Finnegan is One Month Old!
Yes, that's right, because I don't update my blog regularly, I have had the baby, and a month has gone by and I'm finally writing about it. Although, it's not like I haven't had my hands full for the past month. I do have a healthy newborn to take care of, and I've just now finally caught up with house-work. So....
For those of you who are just oblivious, Finnegan arrived quickly and 15 days early on April 5, 2006. He was 6lbs, 4oz and 19.5 inches tall. My contractions started at 5am, we got to the hospital at 8:30am, and he was born at 12:40 that afternoon. No drugs, there wasn't time. Brandon was an amazing support. Or hand-holder, which ever you prefer. And so was the entire family, who all seemed to show up JUST IN TIME. We have wonderful families. We came home 48 hours later, and Finnegan Francis has settled in great! We've survived the hospital, we've survived the not so great first weeks of Breast-feeding, Circumsision, and even our first trip to Victoria to visit my Grandma. Yes, that's right, Finn is already an international traveller.
It's amazing how your life changes so much when you become a parent for the first time. I want to extend thanks to everyone for all of their support!