Monday, August 18, 2008

Crafty Afternoon....

My friend Katy made some pot holders a while back and had a tutorial on her blog... I have pot holders a plenty, but I needed some new place-mats. So, I I found a Placemats tutorial on The Crafty Crow, and this afternoon Finn and I ran with it. I think we'll do this with Cohen too, to make something he can take home to mom. Finn really enjoyed coloring with "fancy" (fabric)markers.

I made sure I put Finnegan's name and age in the corner, just so we're sure this wasn't done by Brandon or somebody.

I did the sewing once Finn was sick of coloring (that's a 2 year old's attention span for ya!), and backed it with a solid blue cotton. We'll hopefully be able to get a few more drawings made and a few more place-mats sewn in the next few days.

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