There was a lot of controversy this year over our Christmas tree. Live tree (which we've done the past couple years so we can plant them when the holiday is over), No tree at all, Re-using our tree from last year that still hasn't been planted. The discussions and disagreements ended with my pregnancy neurosis taking over and demanding a cut tree. So we went to the tree lot, and then another and found our tree.

"Shopping"...HA!!! I was actually looking for a tree... Finn and Brandon were looking for the best ways to run through them. It was more like a fun maze for the boys than a search for the perfect tree. But it was a good time!
ha! That is what my girls did - run up and down and up and down the tree aisles. We did find a tree - that cost 60.00 Euros!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is 80.00 U.S. dollars. Sheeesh. Think I need to get a job living here.
I'm going to talk BRett into a live tree next year..I miss the whole house smelling like a tree!!
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